Aircrack Driver Rtl 8187 Wireless


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Aircrack Driver Rtl 8187 Wireless Setup

This is the oficial driver of Realtek 8187L chipset, with some modifications and upgrades to work fine in > 3.80 Linux kernel.

Tested on Ubuntu 13.04 (Linux kernel 3.8.0-31) with usb card ALFA Networks AWUS036H, used for daily use (navigation, downloads...) and test security of wireless networks with some utils (e.g aircrack-ng)

Installing driver

  1. Download the updated driver from GitHub:


  2. Unzip file and remove zip:

    unzip master.ziprm

  3. Compile driver:

    cd mastersudo makesudo make install

  4. Backlist the native drivers to aboid conflict:

    echo 'blacklist rtl8187' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

  5. Reboot or reload drivers manually removing the native one:

    sudo modprobe -rfv rtl8187sudo modprobe -v r8187l

Rtl8187 Windows 7 Driver


Aircrack Driver Rtl8187 Wireless Login

Special thanks to varunendra ( for the guides and tips on Ubuntu forums